Friday, February 17, 2012

What baby stroke...another milestone

Normally I join SouleMama on Fridays, but I was working on the "Wearing baby and sensory integration part 4" the whole week and was only able to post it today.  Then I was going to wait till Monday to break the news, but I just can't wait!

Baba is officially walking...or was yesterday night!  He took his first steps on February 7th, but he was only able to take one step at a time.  Last night after completing the Masgutova Technique, he took a few steps.  Then Auntie continued to get him to take steps by moving the iPad slowly away.  (yes, I use the iPad to bribe my son into completing the therapy). 

He kept taking steps to follow her.  I didn't take pictures but I videotaped it.  I would include it here, but I have no idea how!  I may have to learn soon.  I want to show you snippets of our therapy sessions.  Actually, I want to tape the before, during, and after therapy session.  It's amazing how much improvement he shows with just one session.  If I could just get organized!

Baba is finally over his first flu and it wasn't fun.  I am tired and cranky, but these moments remind me that the effort is worth the pain and fatigue! 

I'm not walking on command, Mom!

Have an amazing weekend!


  1. So exciting! Keep up all the hard work!

  2. What great news! I don't blame you for not being able to wait until Monday - that's too good a secret to keep! :)

  3. Thank you for being excited for me! It means so much! He keeps taking little steps on his own and I'm super excited for him. He's very proud of himself.

    I finally videotaped the before, during, after therapy! Hopefully, I will figure out how to post it!


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